Prof. Dr. Dimitris Stamatopoulos
External Senior Fellow
Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow
October 2017 - August 2018
Dimitris Stamatopoulos is Professor in Balkan and Late Ottoman History at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki. Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, visiting professor at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), Princeton University and the Institute of European History in Mainz Stamatopoulos is the author of many books and articles on the history of the Orthodox Christian populations in the Ottoman Empire. A revised version of his book Byzantium after the Nation: the problem of the national continuity in the Balkan historiographies, (Athens: Alexandreia Publications 2009) will be published in English by Central European University Press.. He has edited also the following collective volumes: Balkan nationalism(s) and Ottoman Empire, vol.3, Istanbul: Isis Press 2015, . European Revolutions and the Ottoman Balkans: War, Nationalism and Empire from Napoleon to the Bolsheviks, London: I.B. Tauris 2018, Balkan Empires: imperial imagined communities in Southeastern Europe (18th-20th c.), Central European University Press (forthcoming).
Selected Publications
- “The Poor Men of Christ and their Leaders. Wealth and Poverty within the Christian Orthodox Clergy of the Ottoman Empire (18th-19th c.)” in Evguenia Davidova (ed.), Wealth in the Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Balkans : A Socio-Economic History, London: I.B. Tauris 2016, 85-101.
- “Between middle classes and Grand Bourgeoisie: Greek-Bulgarian Confrontation and Political Hegemony in Thessaloniki from the Bulgarian Schism (1872) to the Slaughter of the Consuls (1876)” in D.Stamatopoulos (ed.), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire, vol.1, Istanbul: Isis Press 2015, 101-141
- “The Orthodox Church of Greece”, in Lucian Leustean (ed.), Eastern Christianity and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe, New York: Fordham University Press 2014, 34-64.
- “From the Vyzantism of K. Leont’ev to the Vyzantinism of I.I. Sokolov: The Byzantine Orthodox East as a Motif of Russian Orientalism” in Olivier Delouis, Petre Guran (eds.), Héritages de Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est à l’époque moderne et contemporaine, EFA, Athens 2013, 329-348
- “From Millets to Minorities in the 19th – Century Ottoman Empire: an Ambiguous Modernization”, in S. G. Ellis, G. Hálfadanarson, A.K. Isaacs (επιμ.), Citizenship in Historical Perspective, Pisa: Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press, 2006, 253-273
FRIAS Research Project
Orthodox Church and Civil Society in the Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Southeastern Europe (18th -20th c.)
This research project, which ultimately will be published in English as a monograph, covers a gap in the relevant bibliography of the sociology of religion by categorizing Orthodox Christianity in relation to how it views the private sphere and, by extension, civil society. The analysis will be based on historical archival material from the Orthodox Churches in the Ottoman Empire and the national states that succeeded it. This historical research will be compared to Russian Orthodoxy but mainly the Catholic and Protestant Churches of the West. In other words, the research aims at identifying the boundaries between the “Orthodox paradigm” and the Catholic and Protestant models.