Archive FRIAS Schools
Established as the international research college of the University of Freiburg during the Excellence Initiative run by Germany’s federal and state governments, the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) was opened in spring 2008. In accordance with the maxim “strengthening strengths”, the initial phase of the Institute’s work concentrated on bringing together the four particularly predominant research fields of the University of Freiburg and organising them into four “schools”: the School of History, the School of Language & Literature, the School of Life Sciences – LifeNet and the School of Soft Matter Research. To make the college accessible to academics working in disciplines beyond these four schools and to give it a firm interdisciplinary focus, an annual competition for interdisciplinary research groups was launched in 2009.
FRIAS was run by an eight-member Board of Directors between 2007 and 2013:
Prof. Dr. Werner Frick, Speaker, FRIAS Board of Directors / Director, School of Language & Literature 2007-2013
Prof. Dr. Hermann Grabert, Vice Speaker, FRIAS Board of Directors / Director, School of Soft Matter Research 2007-2013
Prof. Dr. Peter Auer, Co-Director, School of Language & Literature 2007-2013
Prof. Dr. Ralf Baumeister, Director, School of Life Sciences – LifeNet 2007-2010
Prof. Dr. Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, (Co-)Director, School of Life Sciences – LifeNet 2007-2013 (since 2010 Director)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eßbach, Co-Director, School of History 2012-2013
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert, Director, School of History 2007-2013
Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink, Co-Director, School of Soft Matter Research 2007-2013
Prof. Dr. Jörn Leonhard, Co-Director, School of History 2007-2012
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühe, Co-Director, School of Soft Matter Research 2007
Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer, Co-Director, School of Life Sciences – LifeNet 2010-2013
Prof. Dr. Peter Auer, Prof. Dr. Jörn Leonhard, Prof. Dr. Jan Korvink, Prof. Dr. Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, Prof. Dr. Hermann Grabert (stellvertretender Sprecher), Prof. Dr. Werner Frick (Sprecher ), Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer und Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert (from left to right) |
The college has been continuing to pursue its activities under a new format since October 2013, the work of its four founding schools subsequently coming to an end. The schools’ archive pages provide information on their respective research profiles, fellows and academic staff, as well as the events and publications stemming from their work: