Prof. Dr. Günther Schulze
Internal Senior Fellow
October 2014 - September 2015
Günther Schulze is Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economic Research at the University of Freiburg and Adjunct Professor at the Arndt-Cordon Department of Economics at the Australian National University. He studied in Hamburg, Konstanz and Stanford, and received his PhD from the University of Konstanz with a dissertation “The Political Economy of Capital Controls” (Cambridge University Press 2000). His Habilitation was on various topics in international economics. His research interests include political economics, development economics, and the economic analysis of conflict and terrorism. His regional focus is mostly on Southeast Asia, Indonesia in particular. The effect of Indonesian decentralization on public service delivery and on governance quality have been a topic of specific interest for him and his team in the recent past.
Selected Publications
- Krisztina Kis-Katos, Helge Liebert and Günther G. Schulze (2014) On the Heterogeneity of Terror, European Economic Review, 68: 116-136.
- Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir, Krisztina Kis-Katos and Günther G. Schulze (2014) Administrative overspending in Indonesian districts: The role of local politics, World Development, 59: 166–183.
- Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir, Krisztina Kis-Katos and Günther G. Schulze (2013) Political Budget Cycles in Indonesia at the District Level, Economics Letters, Vol. 120(2): 342-345.
- Krisztina Kis-Katos and Günther G. Schulze (2013) Corruption in Southeast Asia - A survey of recent research, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 27(1): 79-109.
- Krisztina Kis–Katos and Günther G. Schulze (2011) Child Labor in Indonesian Small Industries, Journal of Development Studies, 47(12): 1887–1908.
FRIAS Research Project
Cooperation and conflict at the subnational level
Many Southeast Asian countries have undergone fundamental institutional change in the last decades. While some have democratized and decentralized, others have reversed democratization. At the same time practices of non-transparent and undemocratic coalition-building have persisted such as corruption, electoral fraud and the establishment of political dynasties. These developments have not only altered the set of relevant players at the national and subnational level, but also brought about new forms of cooperation and conflict. Examples are conflicts of civil society and the media with traditional elites such as in the Philippines or Indonesia or uncoordinated disaster management in Thailand.
This research project will look at selected issues of patterns of alignment and dealignment at the national and subnational level. One focus will be the analysis of the determinants of fiscal transfers from the center to the regions in Indonesia. Also after decentralization, districts rely on transfers from the center for the most part of their expenditures. While some transfer schemes are formula based, others are at the discretion of the central government. This research project seeks to understand the determinants of the allocation of discretionary funds; in particular it should establish whether funds have favored politically aligned districts or the home districts of the president. Another focus is the analysis of politically connected firms in Thailand. The country that has experienced dramatic shifts in government creating an interesting pattern of changing alignments and dealignments and is characterized by a high share of politically connected firms in overall stock market capitalization. The aim of this research is to identify how changing alignment patterns affect the stock market valuation of politically connected firms and how political connections influence firm performance. Other foci will be added.
Photo: Thomas Kunz/Universität Freiburg