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“Jakarta Disorder”: Joint movie evening of FRIAS and Freiburger Kommunales Kino

When Jun 10, 2015
from 09:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Where Freiburger Kommunales Kino, Urachstr. 40, 79102 Freiburg
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Attendees Öffentlich / Open to public
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The FRIAS Research Focus on Southeast Asia, together with Freiburger Kommunales Kino has invited Ascan Breuer to introduce his new movie “Jakarta Disorder” on June 10, 2015, at 7:30 pm. In the documentary, Ascan Breuer follows the fight of two women living in the slums of Jakarta, fighting against a gigantic housing project that is threatening their homes.

Documenting the increasing incongruity between the reality of life in the slums and a market economic growth imperative, Ascan Breuer critically examines the former home country of his mother. He shows the struggle for political participation of the poor in Indonesia’s young democracy, and the emergence of social movement, culminating in the election of Jokowi as president in October 2014.

You can watch the trailer here; further information on the movie and the director can be found at the website Furthermore, you can find an interview with the director about the movie here.