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FRIAS-Alumna Evanghelia Stead elected member of the Institut Universitaire de France

Prof. Dr. Evanghelia Stead, former EURIAS-Fellow at FRIAS in 2014/15, has been elected member of the renowned Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).

On Monday, October 24, 2016, the official welcoming ceremony of new members of the IUF will be held at the Grand Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne.

Since its establishment in 1991, the IUF supports leading scholars in France through special funding. It also encourages cutting-edge interdisciplinary research by allowing its members’ home universities to substantially reduce their teaching commitment. The members are selected for a period of five years by an international jury. “I feel very honoured to be chosen”, says Evanghelia Stead. “My year at FRIAS and the opportunity to give exclusive focus to my Faust research during my EURIAS fellowship clearly helped define the project I submitted, and therefore will have contributed to my selection”.

Evanghelia Stead is Professor for Comparative Literature at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). She will use her time at the Institut Universitaire de France in order to pursue her FRIAS-supported project on Goethe’s Faust I in prints and book objects and further promote work on circulation of printed matter shaping reception, taste and ideologies. She examines prints and books on Goethe’s Faust in Germany, England and France from 1808 to 1932. During this period, images and book objects have played a major part in making literary contents attainable to various audiences. The Faust issues of that time were particularly remarkable in shaping various readings of the play across Europe. Her membership of the Institut Universitaire de France now allows Evanghelia Stead to pursue this and other research projects with additional funding.

Further information on Evanghelia Stead and the Institut Universitaire de France.

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