Colloquium FRIAS Research Focus Quantum Transport - Spiros Skourtis (ESF, Biophysics, Chemical Physics): The control of electron and energy transfer pathways from the molecular to the cellular scales
Wann |
25.11.2014 von 12:15 bis 13:15 |
Wo | FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Seminarraum |
Name | Anna Blattner |
Kontakttelefon | 0761 203 97362 |
Teilnehmer |
universitätsoffen / open to university members |
Termin übernehmen |
vCal iCal |
Electron transfer and energy transfer processes are ubiquitous in biology and chemistry and they are important to molecular-electronics and to energy-conversion technologies. The study of molecular electron and energy transport mechanisms from the single-molecule to the cellular/hybrid-device levels allows us to explore transport optimization at different length scales and in different environments (cellular versus solid-state). I give an overview of central themes in this interdisciplinary field and discuss some of my work.