
Sie sind hier: FRIAS Sonstige Veranstaltungen Projektgruppen Re-Routing Migration Geographies: …

Re-Routing Migration Geographies: Migrants, Trajectories and Mobility Regimes

Wann 12.01.2017 um 13:00 bis
13.01.2017 um 17:00
Wo FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Seminarraum 2. OG
Kontakttelefon +49 (0)761 203-97362
Termin übernehmen vCal


Ilse van Liempt, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University

Joris Schapendonk, Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Planning, Radboud University Nijmegen

Inga Schwarz, Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Freiburg University

Griet Steel, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University and Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa (IARA), Catholic University of Leuven