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You are here: FRIAS Fellows Fellows 2023/24 Prof. Dr. Clémence Ledoux

Prof. Dr. Clémence Ledoux

(c) Heidi Müller-Henicz
Université de Nantes
Law, Political Science & Sociology

External Senior Fellow (Marie S. Curie FCFP)
February 2022 - June 2022

Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
Albertstr. 19 
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau

Phone 0033 6 77 75 41 12


Clémence Ledoux is assistant professor at the University of Nantes, where she is co-director of the Master 2 of Political Science and teaches the Transformations of the Welfare State in Europe, Gender and Public Policy Analysis and the Political system of the European Union. Her research interests include Public Policy Analysis, Welfare States Transformations, Welfare Markets Dynamics, Gender, and Businesses Organizations. The different research projects she has been involved in concern care and domestic work. After having compared the French and German policies concerning home-service policies in her thesis, she turned to the analysis of the welfare market dynamics of the sector of the “services à la personne” in France, in a compared perspective. She developed at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst between 2016 and 2019 a Study Group working comparatively on the Dynamics of Welfare Markets in Europe. She investigated recently within the PROFAM ANR Project the practices of street level bureaucrats in charge of the decisions concerning care allowances in one French department and is now developing a fieldwork on business organisations involved in home-based services in different countries and also on the Europeanisation of these actors.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Research Project

The Euopeanisation of Home-Based Service Employers' Organisations

The objective of this project is to analyse the emergence of organised actors representing the employers of home service workers at European level and to understand how their socialisation in Europe "frames" their mobilisation and representation. Experiencing strong growth today in Europe, home service employers are an extremely socially and legally diverse group, both from one Member State to another, and also within each Member State. Recent years have been marked by local, national and transnational collective actions concerning home services- mostly occupied by women- and the introduction of home services on the agenda of several levels of government. Specific organisations representing the employers of home-based services employees have been set up in some countries.

To what extent are they represented at national and European political level and how can we account for the differences in the ways they are represented? Who represents them, how are they represented and what are the concrete effects of this representation on professional relations and public action at national level? To what extent does operating within the European political system lead actors representing home service employers to adjust their repertoires of action, reformulate their problems, re-imagine the people they represent and redefine their interests? This project proposes a new object of research and implies an international comparison and multi-level survey approach.

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