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FRIAS Lecture Series - Gerald L. Neuman

Prof. Gerald L. Neuman
Harvard University Cambridge

Protecting Human Rights from Exclusionary Populism After Trump
When Jun 08, 2021
from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM
Where Zoom-Webinar
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Attendees Universitätsoffen/ open to university members
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Protecting Human Rights from Exclusionary Populism After Trump

Exclusionary populism threatens the human rights of the excluded, but also poses danger for the majority and undermines the international human rights regime, especially as populists gain power in countries that were key supporters.  Human rights tribunals and rights-respecting governments – which now include the United States – need to respond to these dangers, by focusing not on populism as such, but on specific violations that populism leads to, and on those violations that have contributed to the rise of populism.

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