Paradigm Shifts in Science - 2015/16
A paradigm, according to the historian of science Thomas Kuhn, is a set of practices that defines a scientific discipline at any particular period of time. For him, a paradigm is not constituted primarily by theory, but defined by "universally recognized scientific achievements that, for a time, provide model problems and solutions for a community of practitioners” (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions1962). This involves such key issues of scientific research as defining the object or problem of investigation, the questions to be asked, predictions to be tested, methods to be used, results to be interpreted, etc. Furthermore, according to Kuhn, all sciences have been, and continue to be, subject to fundamental changes and re-evaluations, resulting in paradigm shifts which may ultimately trigger scientific revolutions.
In the current Lunch Lecture series, FRIAS Fellows from the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural and life sciences will address questions including the following: Which paradigm shift(s) has the relevant discipline experienced in the course of past 50 years? What was their nature, which basic assumptions did/do they challenge, which effects did/do they have? To what extent has technological progress, notably the digital revolution, contributed to that? Are paradigm shifts in the humanities and social sciences of a different nature than in the natural and life sciences? Can paradigm shifts involve scientific progress? To what extent can new paradigms incorporate elements of old paradigms?
The FRIAS Lunch Lectures 2015/16 have dealt with these questions in a range of lectures. Speakers included fellows from various discipline such as political science, physics, Islamic studies, mathematics and more.
October 22, 2015
Paradigm Shifts in Linguistics Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann (Linguistics) and Prof. Dr. Peter Mühlhäusler |
November 5, 2015 |
Dr. Stefan Buhmann (Physics) |
19. November 2015 |
The Ontological Turn in Contemporary Political Theory Dr. Benoit Dillet (Political Science) |
03. Dezember 2015 |
Humanities Beyond the Human: The Ecological Turn in Literary Studies Prof. Dr. Kate Rigby (Literary Studies) |
17. Dezember 2015 |
Prof. Dr. Riccardo Leoncini (Economics) |
21. Januar 2016 |
From the Study of Islam to the Study of Muslims - Paradigm Shifts in Islamic Studies Prof. Dr. Johanna Pink (Islamic Studies) |
04. Februar 2016 |
Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Brüggemeier (History) |
28. April 2016 |
Paradigm Shifts in Neurosciences? Prof. Dr. Ad Aertsen (Neurosciences) |
12. Mai 2016 |
Paradigm Shifts in Electronics Prof. Dr. Ilia Polian (Informatics) |
09. Juni 2016 |
Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Prof. Dr. Stefan Kebekus (Mathematics) |
23. Juni 2016 |
Paradigm Shifts in Biology: From Descriptive to Automated Biology Prof. Dr. Robert Murphy (Computational Biology) |
21. Juli 2016 |
Paradigm Shifts - The View from Science Studies Prof. Dr. Veronika Lipphardt (Science Studies) |