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FRIAS Reflections - Patricia Faraldo Cabana

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Research Excellence and Anglophone Dominance
When May 19, 2021
from 03:00 PM to 03:30 PM
Where Zoom-Meeting
Attendees Universitätsoffen/open to university members
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Research Excellence and Anglophone Dominance


Having English as a global language that is used in international relations, for global communications and as the major media language represents an enormous advantage. Notwithstanding this, I argue that there is a dramatic and hitherto largely underestimated language effect in the bibliometric, citation-based measurements of research performance in social sciences, and a widely overlooked impact on the contents elaborated in the global North. I explore the idea that English as a global language not only contributes to the advancement of science but also hampers its progress by disregarding the cognitive potential of other languages. English as the language of science creates a hierarchy of knowledge that favours the one produced in Anglophone countries and promotes the scientific success of native English-speaking scholars.

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