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Lunch Lecture - Oliver Bräunling

Dr. Oliver Bräunling
University of Freiburg

Answering a Question is (Usually) a Hopeless Task
Wann 17.05.2018
von 12:15 bis 13:00
Wo University of Freiburg, Kollegiengebäude I, Room 1009
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Answering a Question is (Usually) a Hopeless Task

The rules of chess are very simple. Yet, winning a game of chess can be very hard.

This is an example of a general phenomenon: Even though something is guided by simple principles, their implications can be very involved and hard to analyse. Conversely, there are some very complicated games which are easy to win, "once you know the trick".

We shall discuss a little the problem how to estimate whether a question is 'hard to answer', and contrast it to the human desire for simple answers.