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Lunch Lecture - Gema Kloppe-Santamaría (Geschichte)

Prof. Gema Kloppe-Santamaría 

Loyola University Chicago

Violence, modernity, and political distrust in post-revolutionary Mexico
Wann 04.11.2021
von 13:15 bis 14:00
Wo Universität KG 1 HS 1010
Teilnehmer Universitätsoffen / Open to university members
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Violence, modernity, and political distrust in post-revolutionary Mexico

In this talk, I will discuss how political distrust contributed shaping people’s explosive and violent reactions to the state’s efforts to modernize rural communities in post-revolutionary Mexico. In particular, I will focus on a series of lynchings and riots organized against doctors, engineers, teachers, and other state representatives from the 1930s to the 1950s, which took place in the context of state-sponsored sanitation and literacy campaigns, secularization projects, and the building of public infrastructure. In tune with the theme of “trust” I will reflect on the cultural, political, and historical reasons informing people’s distrust in the state and in the type of modernity envisioned by political and economic elites in post-revolutionary Mexico.   


Die Veranstaltung ist als Präsenz-veranstaltung unter Einhaltung der 3G-Regeln und der Vorgaben der Corona-Verordnung der Universität geplant. Teilnehmende müssen entweder vollständig geimpft, getestet (PCR-Test nicht älter als 48h) oder genesen sein (Stand 03.11.21). Diese Vorgaben können sich je nach aktueller Lage ändern (

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