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Patrick Theato: "From Reactive to Stimuli-Responsive Polymers: Precision Synthesis of Multi-Stimuli-Reponsive Polymers"

Wann 25.02.2013
von 11:15 bis 12:00
Wo FRIAS Seminar Room, Albertstr. 19, 79104 Freiburg
Kontakttelefon +49 (0)761 / 203-7415
Teilnehmer Open to University members
Termin übernehmen vCal

Patrick Theato
Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry University of Hamburg, Germany


From Reactive to Stimuli-Responsive Polymers: Precision Synthesis of Multi-Stimuli-Reponsive Polymers

Designing a polymer usually involves the incorporation of multiple functional units into a polymer chain. By combining various functional units, a myriad of polymer properties can be fine-tuned. As an example, stimuli-responsive polymers are investigated, which are synthesized from defined reactive pre-polymers. This route enables us to incorporate multiple functionalities, which render the obtained polymer responsive to multiple stimuli. Stimuli of interest are: temperature, light and redox. Further, thermo- and light-responsive polymers containing photoswitchable azobenzene end groups in solution are presented. Via a post-modification of the telechelic reactive end groups it was possible to obtain P(OEGMA) polymers containing azobenzene end groups that showed a reversible light- and temperature-controlled phase transition in water.