
Sie sind hier: FRIAS School of History Fellows Dr. Peter Kramper

Dr. Peter Kramper

Universität Freiburg


Born 1975; 1999 MSc in Economic History at the London School of Economics; 1997-1998 DAAD Scholarship for a visiting year abroad; 1997-1998 DAAD Scholarship for a visiting year abroad; 1998-1999 Postgraduate Studentship Award, Economic and Social Research Council (UK); 2000-2002 PhD Scholarship, Research Council of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg; 2002-2003 Lecturer at the Department of History, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg (part time); 2004-2006 Lecturer at the Department of History, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg (full time); since 2006 Akademischer Rat at the Chair for Economic and Social History, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, 2006 Dr. phil. in Economic and Social History; 2007 Friedrich Lütge Prize of the German Social and Economic History Society for the PhD thesis; 2007-2008 Research Scholarship, German Historical Institute London; 2009 Research Scholarship, Institut Historique Allemand Paris


Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • NEUE HEIMAT. Unternehmenspolitik und Unternehmensentwicklung im gewerkschaftlichen Wohnungs- und Städtebau 1950-1982 (VSWG-Beiheft 200), Stuttgart 2008.
  • Why Cooperatives Fail: Case Studies from Western Europe, Japan, and North America, 1950-2010, in: Battilani, Patrizia/Harm Schröter (eds.), A Special Kind of Business. The Cooperative Movement 1950-2010 (Comparative Perspectives in Business History), Cambridge 2012 (forthcoming).
  • Das Unternehmen als politisches Projekt: Die NEUE HEIMAT 1950-1982, Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen 45.2010 (forthcoming).
  • The German Cooperative Movement in the Interwar Period, Rivista della Cooperazione 2009/2, pp. 89-104 (Italian translation: Il movimento cooperativo tedesco nel periodo fra le due guerre, ibid., pp. 104-120).
  • Warum Europa? Konturen einer globalgeschichtlichen Forschungskontroverse, Neue Politische Literatur 54.2009, pp. 9-46.
  • Klio gegen Frankenstein? Objektivitätsfrage und Fortschrittsdenken in der deutschen und englischen Geschichtswissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert, Freiburger Universitätsblätter 179.2008, pp. 69-88.
  • Das gescheiterte Reformprojekt? Die NEUE HEIMAT 1950-1982, in: Hesse, Jan-Otmar/Tim Schanetzky/Jens Scholten (eds.), Das Unternehmen als gesellschaftliches Reformprojekt. Strukturen und Entwicklungen von Unternehmen der „moralischen Ökonomie" nach 1945 (Bochumer Schriften zur Unternehmens- und Industriegeschichte Bd. 12), Essen 2004, pp. 201-227.
  • From Economic Convergence to Convergence in Affluence? Income Growth, Household Expenditure, and the Rise of Mass Consumption in Britain and West Germany, 1950-1974 (LSE Working Papers in Economic History 56), London 2000.



’The Battle of the Standards’: Measuring, Counting and Weighing in Western Europe 1750-1914

The uniformity of weights and measures is an aspect of modern society which is largely taken for granted. In reality, however, universally or at least nationally accepted standards are complex social institutions, and they are of very recent origin: It was only in the middle of the 18th century that their implementation began in earnest, and it took at least another 150 years until they had become firmly entrenched.

The project is investigating this process in a comparative perspective on Britain, France and Germany. It is looking at its causes, its characteristics and its consequences, while at the same time trying to connect it to overarching trends such as the rise of modern science, industrialization and the nation state. In this way, it is seeking to demonstrate the significance of standardization for the transition from agrarian society to modernity.