Dr. Daniel Hedinger
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
School of History
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
Born 1976; B.A. in Japanese at National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO, Paris); 2000 M.A. in Japanese and History at University of Zurich; 2002/2003 Scholarship from the University of Zurich for a research stay at the Dōshisha-University in Kyoto; 2001-2005 Editorial journalist at the department of Economics of the “Tages-Anzeiger", Zürich; 2005-present Assistant professor, Humboldt-University, Berlin; 2004-2009 Research associate, Humboldt-University, Berlin; 2005-2010 Several scholarships for research in Japan (at Waseda University and Tokyo University); 2009 PhD in History at University of Zurich; 2011 Awards for publication (Swiss National Science Foundation); 2011 Awards for publication (Jade-Stiftung); 2011/12 FRIAS fellowship
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
- Im Wettstreit mit dem Westen. Japans Zeitalter der Ausstellungen 1854-1941, (Reihe Globalgeschichte, Band 7), [Competing the West. Japan’s Age of Exhibition 1854-1941, (Global History, Volume 7)], Frankfurt am Main (Campus) 2011.
- together with Daniel Siemens, Law & Historiography. Theoretical Approaches, Fields of Analyses, Microstudies, Special Issue of InterDisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology, Bielefeld 2012 (forthcoming).
- “The Globalization of Legal Cultures in the 19th Century. The Case of Meiji Japan, 1868-1912”, in: InterDisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology, Vol. 3, Nr. 1 (2012 (forthcoming)).
- “Kulturen der Mobilisierung. Repräsentationen von Krieg und Gewalt im japanischen Imperium 1937/38”, [Mobilizing Cultures. Representations of War and Violence in the Japanese Empire 1937/38], in: Yōroppa kenkyū/Journal “European Studies” der Universität Tokyo, 2011.
- “Krisenlose Gesellschaften?”, [Societies without Crises], in: Thomas Mergel (Hrsg.), Krisen verstehen. Historische und kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen, Frankfurt am Main (Campus) 2011.
- “Showcases of Revolutionary Transformation. Exhibitions in the Early Meiji Period”, in: Comparativ, Vol. 19, Nr. 2/3 (2009), pp. 78-102.
- “‘Fighting a Peaceful War’. Japan at World Exhibitions in the 1860s and 1870s”, in: Bureau International des Expositions, Bulletin 2006 (2007), pp. 71- 94.
- together with Christoph Gumb, “Aus der Perspektive des Schlachtfeldes. Krieg, soziale Ordnung und Imperium in Japan und Russland”, [In the Perspective of the Battle Field. War, Social order and Empire in Japan and Russia], in: Jörg Baberowski, David Feest, Christoph Gumb (Hrsg.), Imperiale Herrschaft in der Provinz, Frankfurt am Main (Campus), 2008, pp. 223-267.
- “Im Dienste der Nation. Hygiene, Biopolitik und Moderne im Japan der Meiji-Zeit”, [In the Service of the Nation. Hygiene, Biopolitics and Modernity in Meiji-Japan], in: Jörg Baberowski, Maike Lehmann, David Feest (Hrsg.), Dem Anderen begegnen, Frankfurt am Main (Campus), 2008, pp. 113-139.
- “‘Keines unserer Leben ist verschwendet, wenn wir auf dem Schlachtfeld sterben’. Militärausstellungen und Erinnerungsfeste im Japan der frühen Shōwa-Zeit”, [‘None of Our Lives are wasted, if We Die on the Field of Battle’. Military Exhibitions and Memory Celebrations in Early Shōwa Japan], in: Journal of Modern European History, Vol. 4, Nr.1 (2006), pp. 114-132.
"The Dream of a New World Order. The Tokyo–Rome–Berlin Axis, 1931-1942"
This project explores the shared history of Japan, Italy and Germany from the early 1930s up to the autumn of 1942, the highpoint of the Axis’ territorial expansion. A history of the Axis powers, which focus on global contexts and processes of cultural exchange, has still to be written. There are two key reasons for this: On the one hand, national approaches still broadly predominate in the historiography of the Second World War. As a result, the war in Europe and Asia is seldom treated as a reciprocal process. On the other hand, previous studies of the alliance have generally focused on its shortcomings and failures. In contrast, this project examines how the Axis was put to work, filled with life and functioned in the context of all three powers‘ mutual relationships.
The project has three aims: First of all, it is intended as a contribution to a global history of the 1930s and early 1940s by discussing the concept of a new world order and its geopolitical and spatial ramifications. Secondly, based on archival materials from all three countries it seeks to develop a non-European perspective in relation to the alliance; thereby emphasizing the significances of the war in Asia and the Japanese empire’s political initiatives. Thus, this study is situated in the ongoing discussion regarding the origins of the Second World War. Thirdly, by taking into consideration processes of cultural exchange between the partners the project aims to reopen discussion of the role that ideologies played in the Axis’ formation. Such an approach will take into account cultural history as well as history of emotions and thus stimulate a new approach to the political historiography of this period.