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María Luisa Fernández Cachón

Chemistry and Biochemistry Molecular Medicine and Cell Research
PhD Student with Junior Fellow Hauke Busch

Phone +49 (0)761-203 9619


María Luisa Fernández Cachón finished her Chemistry degree in 2007 at the University of Barcelona, Spain. From 2007-2009 she carried out a Master program in Biochemistry at the University of Barcelona, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Marta Cascante and Dr. Josep Lluis Torres. Her master thesis was focused on the antitumoral properties of natural poliphenolics in colon cancer cells. Since March 2009 she joined the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg as a PhD student in the research group of Hauke Busch.


FRIAS Research Project

The group of Hauke Busch focuses on the development and verificatio of mathematical models for cellular behavior from an initial stimulus to the fina phenotype. In a systems biology approach we combine experimental research on cell-cell communication with the development of appropriate multi-scale dynamic models to investigate the necessary and sufficien control points that lead to cell proliferation, differentiation, migration or death. In this context Melanie Börries will coordinate the experimental set-up as a project leader.