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Titel Datum Zeit Ort
FRIAS Lecture Series - Julian Nida-Rümelin Zum Status der Menschenrechte: Philosophische Anmerkungen 20.07.2021 18:15 - 19:30 Hörsaal 1010, Universität Freiburg (Kollegiengebäude I)
HUMSS - Martin Pfeiffer Noticing and assessing nature: Exclamatives in walks through the forest 19.07.2021 15:00 - 16:00 Zoom-Meeting
HUMSS - Sabine Dabringhaus Resilience in a Weak State: Earthquake Relief in Chinese Gansu 1920 12.07.2021 15:00 - 16:00 Zoom-Meeting
AEI-ASEM Summer School 2021 People and Public Empowerment in Asia and Europe 12.07.2021 - 15.07.2021 09:00 Zoom-Meeting
FRIAS Lecture Series - Mathias Risse Human Rights, Surveillance and Epistemic Chaos 06.07.2021 17:00 - 18:00 Zoom-Webinar
HUMSS - Henrike Lähnemann Community Building through Communication: The Case of the Lüne Letters 05.07.2021 15:00 - 16:00 Zoom-Meeting
Workshop: Writing and Receiving Letters of Recommendation Workshop: Writing and Receiving Letters of Recommendation 30.06.2021 16:00 - 17:00 Zoom-Webinar
HUMSS - Onookome Okome Contemporary Racism and the Rest of Us 28.06.2021 15:00 - 16:00 Zoom-Meeting
Summer School (Online): Concepts, Discourses and Practices of Resilience in the Environmental Humanities Concepts, Discourses and Practices of Resilience in the Environmental Humanities 28.06.2021 - 02.07.2021 13:00 Zoom-Meeting
Virtual Annual Conference of the Connecticut/Baden-Württemberg Human Rights Research Consortium (HRRC) 24.06.2021 15:00 - 20:30 Virtual FRIAS