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Dinner Speech: Elizabeth Heineman: "Piloting Germans to Seventh Heaven: The World's Biggest Erotica Entrepreneur, Germans, and their History."

Wann 14.05.2013
von 18:30 bis 19:00
Wo FRIAS Seminar Room, Albertstr. 19
Kontakttelefon 0761/203-97362
Termin übernehmen vCal

There you are, innocently changing planes in the Frankfurt airport, you round a curve - and suddenly you see it. Right there in Terminal B. A Beate Uhse erotica shop.

Who's Beate Uhse, and what's her shop doing in the Frankfurt airport? And what does her story tell us about Germans and their history?

Here's a hint: Upon her death in 2001, a tabloid newspaper declared: "Her success story - it's the history of sexual morals in the Federal Republic." But the paper understated the case, because Beate Uhse's story tells us a lot about German history all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century.

Come learn how the daughter of one of Germany's first female physicians became first a Luftwaffe pilot and then the founder of the world's largest erotica concern. And learn what this story tells us not just about Germans and sex, but also about Germans' relationship to the Nazi past. The join me for discussion and dinner.