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Wolfgang Hochbruck (Internal Senior Fellow, School of Language & Literature): "When They Fight Fires, Do American and German Firefighters Fight the Same Thing?"

Wann 13.07.2011
von 17:30 bis 18:00
Wo FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Hörsaal
Kontakttelefon 0761/203-97426
Termin übernehmen vCal

The idea of the After Hours Conversations goes back to Professor Piet Hut, Director of the Program in Interdisciplinary Studies at IAS Princeton, who visited FRIAS back in June 2009.

Here's how it works according to Piet: "At 5:30 pm, someone will give an informal presentation of no more than 10 minutes, intended for a general audience. The topic will be a brief description of a major open problem in his or her field, together with suggestions for possible future progress with respect to that problem. This talk will be followed by 15 minutes of discussion, until 6:00 pm."

Afterwards everyone is free to stay in the lounge and continue discussions, preferably with others not from their own School.