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Diversity in Language and Cognition - Karolina Hansen (University of Warsaw)

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Diversity in language: Impressions based on accent and ethnic appearance
Wann 09.12.2021
von 14:15 bis 16:00
Wo Zoom Meeting
Teilnehmer Universitätsoffen / open to university members
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Diversity in language: Impressions based on accent and ethnic appearance


On the one hand most research on ethnicity in social psychology, as well as in neuroscience, has focused on visual cues. On the other hand, a lot of linguistic research has studied the influence of foreign-accented speech omitting visual cues. In my talk I will show that accents are strong markers of ethnicity and influence social categorization, evaluations, and even brain reactions to others. I will do it on a basis of experiments conducted in Germany, where participants evaluated Turkish-origins and native German job candidates. Varying their accent and facial appearance evoked surprise and caused interesting reactions.



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