
Sie sind hier: FRIAS Veranstaltungen Externe Veranstaltungen … Summer School "Degeneration of …

Summer School "Degeneration of Calabi-Yau varieties and arithmetic"

Wann 09.10.2017 um 12:00 bis
13.10.2017 um 12:00
Wo Alberstraße 23b, HS II
Kontakttelefon +49 (0)761 203-97362
Termin übernehmen vCal

Hodge-theoretic and arithmetic aspects of families of Calabi-Yau varieties (mainly in dimensions 2 and 3), in particular differential equation for periods, degenerations at the boundary, compactifications of moduli spaces, and relations to modular and more general automorphic forms, as well as to physics.

The school is intended for both mathematicians and string theorists with interest in mathematical aspects of Calabi-Yau manifolds.

Please find further information here.