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FRIAS Kolloquium - Sebastian Baasch

Sebastian Baasch
University of Freiburg

Deciphering the cellular reservoir of CMV latency.
Wann 05.02.2024
von 15:00 bis 16:00
Wo FRIAS Seminar Room
Termin übernehmen vCal

Deciphering the cellular reservoir of CMV latency.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a beta herpesvirus that frequently infects infants worldwide within the first years of life. CMV shares millions of years of co-evolution with mankind and is therefore highly adapted to its host. Thus, after acute infection CMV is able to establish a latent state, in which no viral replication occurs. Phases of latency are frequently interrupted by re-activation and viral shedding. In immunocompetent individuals, initial infection and re-activation usually go unnoticed, while immunocompromised patients suffer from end organ disease.

We have recently discovered that after acute infection of the respiratory tract, mouse CMV (MCMV) predominantly infects alveolar macrophages. Subsequently, infected alveolar macrophages disseminate the virus locally. During later stages, hematopoietic stem cells, endothelial cells and macrophages are suggested to be involved in the maintenance of CMV. However, it is not clear, which cell type ultimately harbours CMV during latency.

Thus, we aim to elucidate the cellular site of CMV latency, which potentially opens new perspectives in targeted antiviral therapy.