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Sekina Mandelartz

Sekina Mandelartz

Raum 01 027
Tel. +49 (0)761 203-97442
Fax +49 (0)761 203 97451


Sekina Mandelartz studied health economics and is specialized in data protection and information security. During her studies, she founded several startups in the food, health and IT sectors. She gained experiences in in the areas of product manufacture and development, public relations, marketing and sold her products to well-known companies in the food industry. Within three years, she managed to deliver 500 points of sale throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In 2017 she sold her first company. Together with an interdisciplinary team consisting of software developers, lawyers and ethical hackers she founded the company Audat in 2019 which was funded by a research and transfer scholarship from Freie Universität Berlin. Audat’s goal is to improve the data protection and information security level of organizations. A highly innovative penetration testing tool, fully automated at its core, is used to verify IT security. Controlled and self-learning attacks on IT infrastructures can reveal vulnerabilities and sustainably improve the level of protection. During this time, her passion in responsible artificial intelligence grew. Currently, she works in the Saltus! Group Responsible Artificial Intelligence. Her research interests include health innovations, especially the potential of AI-based human machine interaction as well as the responsible use of health-related data.


The alignment of artificial intelligence (AI) with related digital technologies heavily impacts many areas and sectors in society, including the administration of a state, its legal system, as well as industrial production, mobility, research, health care, and military technology. This raises important philosophical, ethical, legal, social and political questions concerning the interaction between humans and AI systems which require a multidisciplinary and multistakeholder approach. The research group “Responsible Artificial Intelligence” started in fall 2018 as FRIAS Research Focus. The group is led by Prof. Wolfram Burgard (Robotics), Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer (Medicine), Prof. Oliver Müller (Philosophy) and Prof. Silja Vöneky (Law). Our aim is to develop frameworks for of the responsible development, use and governance of AI systems and related digital technologies that are ethically, legally justified, and politically viable.

We argue, that such frameworks should be sustainable, and grounded in human rights, and preserve the potential for social and economic innovation and progress. This framework for a responsible AI shall serve as an alternative to the largely unregulated ‘disruptive AI’ driven by big technology companies and the state-controlled ‘authoritarian AI’ used for social control and coercion in some societies.

In order to incorporate international and interdisciplinary perspectives on the effective governance of AI, the research group brings together researchers from Freiburg University and guest researchers from various fields at the FRIAS.