
Sie sind hier: FRIAS School of Language & … Fellows Dr. Kristian Mortensen

Dr. Kristian Mortensen

University of Luxembourg
März - Sep. 2013


Kristian Mortensen holds a PhD in applied linguistics from the University of Southern Denmark and a MA in international business communication. From 2005 to 2006 he was a visiting scholar at the Centre for Language, Interaction and Culture (CLIC), University of California, Los Angeles. From 2008 to 2013 he worked as a post doc at the University of Luxembourg. His research interest is broadly on social interaction in various settings with a focus on how social interaction is organized through multimodal resources such as ‘talk’, gaze, gesture, body posture and material objects. A central aspect of his research has been second and foreign language classroom interaction and how teachers afford students’ participation. His research has appeared in journals such as Discourse Processes, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Journal of Pragmatics. He is co-editor of “Conversation Analysis and Applied Linguistics” in Wiley-Blackwell’s “Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics” (general editor C.A. Chapelle).


Publikationen (Auswahl)

Bücher und Herausgeberschaften

  • Wagner, J. & Mortensen, K. (in print). Conversation Analysis and Applied Linguistics. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (general editor C.A. Chapelle). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Rasmussen, G., Mortensen, K. & Hazel, S. (eds., in prep.). A Body of Resources. CA Studies of Social Conduct. Special issue of Journal of Pragmatics.
  • Mortensen, K. (2008). Instructions and Participation in the Second Language Classroom. University of Southern Denmark. Unpublished Ph.d. dissertation.


  • Mortensen, K. (2012). Visual initiations of repair – some preliminary observations. In Ikeda, K. & A. Brandt (eds.), Challenges and New Directions in the Micro-Analysis of Social Interaction (pp. 45-50). Osaka: Division of International Affairs, Kansai University.
  • Mortensen, K. & Lundsgaard, C. (2011). Preliminary notes on ‘Grooming the Object’: The example of an architectural presentation. In Buur, J. (ed.), Participatory Innovation Conference Proceeding (PINC11) (pp.99-104). Sønderborg: University of Southern Denmark.


  • Mortensen, K. & Wagner, J. (in print). Conversation Analysis. In Wagner, J. & K. Mortensen (eds.) Conversation Analysis and Applied Linguistics. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (general editor C.A. Chapelle). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Mortensen, K. (in print). Conversation Analysis and Multimodality. In Wagner, J. & K. Mortensen (eds.) Conversation Analysis and Applied Linguistics. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (general editor C.A. Chapelle). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Mortensen, K. (forth., 2013). Hvem bliver næste taler? Om deltagelse og turfordeling i klasseværelset (Who will be next speaker? On participation and turn-allocation in the classroom). To appear in Lund, K., K. Risager & M. Svendsen Pedersen (eds.): Sprog- og kulturlæring: Dansk som andetsprog for voksne (Language and Culture Learning: Danish as a Second Language for Adults). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. (in Danish)
  • Hazel, S. & Mortensen, K. (in review). Embodying the institution - on the interactional affordances of artefacts operationalized in institutional encounters. In Rasmussen, G., K. Mortensen & S. Hazel (eds.) A body of resources – CA studies of social conduct (Journal of Pragmatics special issue).
  • Mortensen, K. & Hazel, S. (submitted). Moving into interaction: Embodied practices for initiating interactions at an international help desk counter. Journal of Pragmatics.
  • Mortensen, K. (2011). Doing word explanation in interaction. In Pallotti, G. & J. Wagner (Eds.), L2 Learning as Social Practice: Conversation-analytic Perspectives (pp. 135-163). Honolulu: National Foreign Language Resource Center.
  • Mortensen, K., & Hazel, S. (2011). Initiating round robins in the L2 classroom - preliminary observations. Novitas-Royal, 5(1), 55-70.
  • Mortensen, K. (2009). Establishing recipiency in pre-beginning position in the second language classroom. Discourse Processes, 46(5), 491-515.
  • Mortensen, K. (2008). Selecting next-speaker in the second language classroom: How to find a willing next-speaker in planned activities. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5(1), 55-79.


Bodily Conduct as an Interactional Resource in ‘Openings’

That human social interaction is inherently multimodal can hardly be neglected. In social interaction, participants rely on talk and bodily conduct such as gestures, gaze and body movements as resources for online sense-making practices; the (physical) surround affords different ways of participation; material objects may provide structures through which participants construct their social action – as components of social interaction. Yet, a systematic description of how bodily conduct contributes to shaping and performing recognizable social action has only recently begun. This project will contribute to this endeavour by investigating how specific social action formats are constructed ‘multimodally’ in two sequential positions: openings of face-to-face interactions and the production of first pair-parts. The study draws on data from a range of institutional settings as well as ‘ordinary’ conversation.