
Sie sind hier: FRIAS School of History Fellows Prof. Dr. Stefan Plaggenborg

Prof. Dr. Stefan Plaggenborg


Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
School of History


Born 1956; 1993 University of Freiburg, Habilitation (History; East European and Modern History); 1994-1999 Full Professor in East European History, University of Jena; 1999-2007 Full Professor in East European History, University of Marburg; 2001 Visiting Fellow State University of Moscow; 2002 Visiting Fellow Wilfried Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada; 2007-present Full Professor in East European History, University of Bochum; 10/2009-09/2010 FRIAS Fellowship



Books, Proceedings, Editions, and Articles (10 selected)

- Alexander Bogdanov. Theoretiker für das 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von Stefan Plaggenborg und Maja Soboleva. München 2008.

- Experiment Moderne. Der sowjetische Weg. Frankfurt a. M., New York 2006.

- Handbuch der Geschichte Russlands. Vol. 5 (2 vol.): 1945-1991 – Vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges bis zum Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion. Hrsg. von Stefan Plaggenborg. Stuttgart 2002-2003.

- Revoljucija i kul'tura. Kul’turnye orientiry v period meždu Oktjabr’skoj revoljuciej i epochoj stalinizma. Sankt Petersburg 2000, 2nd ed. 2001.

- Sowjetjugend 1917-1941. Generation zwischen Revolution und Resignation. Hrsg. von Corinna Kuhr-Korolev, Stefan Plaggenborg u. Monica Wellmann. Essen 2001.

- Stalinismus. Neue Forschungen und Konzepte. Hrsg. von Stefan Plaggenborg. Berlin 1998.

- Revolutionskultur. Menschenbilder und kulturelle Praxis in Sowjetrussland zwischen Oktoberrevolution und Stalinismus. Köln, Weimar, Wien 1996.

- Aufbruch der Gesellschaft im verordneten Staat. Russland in der Spätphase des Zarenreiches. Hrsg. von Heiko Haumann u. Stefan Plaggenborg. Frankfurt/M. etc. 1994.

- Staatsfinanzen und Industrialisierung in Russland 1881-1903. Die Bilanz der Steuerpolitik für Fiskus, Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft. In: Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte 44 (1991), S. 123-339

- Konfessionalisierung in Osteuropa im 17. Jahrhundert – zur Reichweite eines Forschungskonzepts. In: Bohemia 44 (2003), S. 3-28.

- Die Entstehung des Nationalismus im kommunistischen Jugoslawien. In: Südost-Forschungen 56 (1997), S. 399-421.


FRIAS Research Project

“Aufbrüche in das 20. Jahrhundert: Sozialismus, Kemalismus, Faschismus"

On first sight one hardly finds a historical relationship between Soviet socialism, Kemalism in Turkey and Fascism in Italy. Social, economic, political, and religious preconditions seem far more to separate them from each other than to correlate them. But their common historical starting point (and – by the way – the same age-group of the leaders and the reception of each other) serves as an invitation for comparison. All three regimes had their roots in the perception of crises in the late 19th century; they came into being as a result of World War I and civil or liberation wars that followed; they intended to form new states, new institutions and new consolidated societies and characterised themselves as fundamental new beginnings; they fought against what their elites perceived as the rotten past and its foul representatives, be it individuals, social groups, or symbols (but they used history to mystify their own historical role and meaning); their self-commitment as modernizers entailed violent processes of change in order to get rid of what was considered as outlived; they developed personality cults and new elites. The project does not equalise but relate the regimes to each other in order to analyse in a comparative way what fundamentally shaped societies and experiences in the 20th century.