
Sie sind hier: FRIAS School of Soft Matter … Wissenschaftliche … Jörn Donges

Jörn Donges

Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik
Freiburg, Germany


Joern Donges studied physics and computer science at the university of Marburg and graduated 1999 in physics. In his diploma thesis he performed microwave experiments to determine the quantum mechanical behavior of clasically chaotic systems. Then he moved on to Freiburg to work with the group of Prof. Dr. Hellmut Haberland on thermodynamical properties of metal clusters. In 2004 he received a Ph. D. in physics for his thesis on size dependend calorimetric measurements of small sodium clusters. Thereafter he stayed at the Institute for Microsystem Technology (IMTEK) as a guest scientist working with Svetlana Santer in the chair for chemistry and physics of interfascs (CPI) of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühe. The focus of this work was the development of image-processing algorithms to analyze probe microscope images. In that time he became interested in nanotechnology and atomic force microscopy, so that after a short interruption as a school teacher for physics in Hamburg he rejoined the CPI group as a postdoc in 2007.


Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • S. Santer, A. Kopyshev, J. Donges, J. Rühe, X. Jiang, B. Zhao, M. Müller. Memory of Surface Patterns in Mixed Polymer Brushes: Simulation and Experiment Langmuir 23 , 279 – 285 (2007)
  • S. Santer, A. Kopyshev, J. Donges, H.-K. Yang, J. Rühe. Dynamically reconfigurable Polymer Films: Impact on Nanomotion, Advanced Materials 18, 2359-2362 (2006)
  • S. Santer , A. Kopyshev, J. Donges, H-K. Yang, J. Rühe. Domain Memory of Mixed Polymer Brushe”, Langmuir 22, 4660 (2006)
  • H. Haberland, Th. Hippler, J.Donges, O. Kostko, M..Schmidt, and B.v. Issendorff: Melting of Sodium Clusters: Where Do the Magic Numbers Come from?, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 035701 (2005)
  • M. Schmidt, J. Donges, Th. Hippler, H. Haberland: Influence of Energy and Entropy on the Melting of Sodium Clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 103401 (2003)
  • M. Schmidt, Th.Hippler, J.Donges, W. Kronmüller, B. v. Issendorff, H. Haberland and P. Labastie: Caloric Curve aross the Liquid-to-Gas Change for Sodium Clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 203402 (2001)
  • M. Schmidt, R. Kusche, T. Hippler, J. Donges, W. Kronmüller, B. v. Issendorff and H. Haberland, Negative Heat Capacity for a Cluster of 147 Sodium Atoms,
    Phys. Rev Lett. 86, 1191 (2001)



In the growing field of nanotechnology there is a strong demand on new and efficient methods for precise manipulation and transporting of nano-objects on surfaces. Up to now, the main effort was put into strategies where the substrate is playing a passive role, eg. moving the objects with an AFM/STM tip. Within this project we will develop new methods based on the idea, that the substrate by itself can induce motion of the adsorbed objects by switching the topography of the underlying surface. As already has been shown the surface of mixed polymer brushes seperates into well defined domains, so called nano-phases. By applying external stimuli to the surface we can switch between two distinct surface patterns. This is leading to a fluctuating surface force field which can interact with adsorbed particles and so move the nanoobjects across the surface. To take control over the movement a gradient in surface energy is needed in addition to the nanophase seperation. We will achieve such gradients by structuring photoresponsive polymer materials with UV litography.