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Titel Datum Zeit Ort
Colloquium Society, Environment, Biology - Anne Harrington (Harvard University) FRIAS Fellow and author of 'The Cure Within: A History of Mind-Body Medicine' 14.06.2018 16:00 - 17:30 Universitätsbibliothek, Veranstaltungssaal (1. OG)
Lunch Lecture - Stefan Schmidt Hidden Rituals in Medicine 14.06.2018 12:15 - 13:00 University of Freiburg, Kollegiengebäude I, Room 1009
Vortrag - Rinat Kashaev (University of Geneva) Quantised dihedral angles and quantum dilogarithms 11.06.2018 13:15 - 14:15 FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Hörsaal
Workshop - Selbstoptimierung 08.06.2018 09:00 - 18:00 FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Seminarraum
Lunch Lecture - Majid Daneshgar “Father of Ignorance”: How and Why Marginal Figures within Islam Remain Marginal 07.06.2018 12:15 - 13:00 University of Freiburg, Kollegiengebäude I, Room 1009
Book Launch: The Pharmakon: Concept Figure, Image of Transgression, Poetic Practice 06.06.2018 17:30 - 18:00 FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Seminarraum
04.06.2018 - 06.06.2018 09:00 FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Seminarraum
25.05.2018 - 26.05.2018 17:00 FRIAS, Albertstr. 19, Seminarraum
Colloquium Society, Environment, Biology - Nancy Campbell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) FRIAS Fellow and co-author of 'Gendering Addiction: The Politics of Drug Treatment in a Neurochemical World' 17.05.2018 16:00 - 17:30 Universitätsbibliothek, Veranstaltungssaal (1. OG)
Lunch Lecture - Oliver Bräunling Answering a Question is (Usually) a Hopeless Task 17.05.2018 12:15 - 13:00 University of Freiburg, Kollegiengebäude I, Room 1009