
Sie sind hier: FRIAS Fellows Fellows 2023/24 Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Romanistische Linguistik
Internal Senior Fellow
Oktober 2017 - Juli 2018


In his doctoral and post-doctoral work, Stefan Pfänder has mainly been investigating the emergence of new languages (French based Creoles in the Caribbena and South America) or new varieties of European languages in contact (Andean Spanish in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador). Over the past years, Stefan Pfänder’s work has shifted its focus to the negotiation of linguistic forms and structures in bodily and web-based interaction (cf. PF 699/1-1 CIEL-F Corpus International und PF 699/4-1 Kontaktvarietäten/NCAT, both funded by the German Research Foundation). An interdisciplinary research project with social psychology on Retellings (funded by the F. Thyssen Foundation) was followed up a FRIAS senior fellowship and the successful co-acquisition of a Research Training Group funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG-GRK 1767 Faktuales & Fiktionales Erzählen). Third party funding was also vital for the establishment of a Retold Story Archive that comprises 400 narrations to date. 150 of those narrations have been realized in the form of video tapings of couples.

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Inheritance & Innovation in Language Creation. A usage-based account of French Guianese Creole, with W. Jennings, London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
  • La descomunicación y sus remedios, with J. Wagner, Katatay Ediciones Buenos Aires, 2008.
  • Resonanz, Rhythmus & Synchronisierung: Interaktionen in Alltag, Therapie und Kunst, ed. with T. Breyer, M. Buchholz, A. Hamburger & E. Schumann, Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag 2017
  • Wiedererzählen – Formen und Funktionen einer kulturellen Praxis, ed. with E. Schumann, E. Gülich & G. Lucius,  Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2015.
  • Zur interaktiven Konstitution von Empathie im Gesprächsverlauf. Ein Beitrag aus der Sicht der linguistischen Gesprächsforschung, with E. Gülich, in Breyer, T. (ed.): Grenzen der Empathie: Philosophische, psychologische und anthropologische Perspektiven, München, 2013, 433-457.
  • Fishing for affiliation. The French double causal construction ‘parce que comme’ from a dialogical perspective, in Günthner, S. Imo, W. & Bücker, J. (ed.), Grammar and dialogism: Sequential, syntactic and prosodic patterns between emergence and sedimentation, Berlin, 2014, 241-268.

FRIAS Projekt

Synchronization in Embodied Interaction

In 2016, a cooperative project with cultural anthropology and psychosomatics / body psychotherapy provided the opportunity to develop a special research focus. The project investigates and models the Synchronization of interactants in everyday, aesthetic and therapeutic interaction and is co-funded by the FRIAS.  The empirical analysis of a large corpus of collaborative story tellings is based on the software MOCA (Multi-modal Oral Corpora: Administration & Analysis) has been developed at Stefan Pfänder’s chair since 2004. MOCA enables the digital analysis of audio and video data, using, for example, time-aligned transcriptions, and is successfully being used for the analysis of different corpora (a total of 8,436 recordings to date). The MOCA analysis programs that include motion tracking software have been developed by Daniel Alcón and have been accepted as state-of-the-art tools by the German Research Foundation (cf., for example, PF 699/1-1 CIEL_F Corpus International, DFG GRK 1624/1+2 Frequency in Language).

Ausführliche Informationen über das Projekt und weitere Mitglieder der Forschungsgruppe finden Sie unter