Dr. Péter Vámos
Born 1969; University Diploma in Sinology, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest; 1997 University Diploma in History; 1998 PhD in Linguistics (Oriental Studies), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; 2007 Habilitation in History, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest; 2001-2002 Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, Budapest; since 2002 Senior Research Fellow; 2004 Youth Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (for the book: Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China), awarded by the Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; 2004 China Scholarship Council Fellowship for Teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Beijing Normal University; 2005-2007 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Research Grant; 2008 Eötvös Scholarship, Hungarian Scholarship Board, University of Heidelberg; 2009 OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) Research Project: “The Soviet Bloc and China, 1949–1989”; since 2009 Associate Professor at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Department of Japanese Studies, Budapest
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- “Hungarian Missionaries in China”, in: UHALLEY, STEPHEN Jr. – WU, XIAOXIN (eds.), China and Christianity. Burdened Past, Hopeful Future (Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2000), 217–232.
- Magyar jezsuita misszió Kínában. (Hungarian Jesuit Mission in China.) Kőrösi Csoma Kiskönyvtár/26 Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2003. pp. 391
- “Home Afar”: The Life of Central European Jewish Refugees in Shanghai during World War II” in: Acta Orientalia (Hung.) Volume 57. (1) (2004), 55–70.
- Sino-Hungarian Relations and the 1956 Revolution (Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Cold War International History Project, 2006). Working Paper No. 54. pp. 44 http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/WP54_Final2.pdf
- “The Hungarian Franciscan Mission in China”, in: GOLVERS, NOEL – LIEVENS, SARA (eds.), A Lifelong dedication to the China Mission. Essays presented in honor of Father Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICM, on the occasion of his 75th birthday and the 25th anniversary of the F. Verbiest Institute K.U. Leuven. (Leuven Chinese Studies, XVII, Leuven, 2007), 619–642.
- Kína mellettünk? Kínai külügyi iratok Magyarországról, 1956. (Is China with Us? Chinese diplomatic records on Hungary, 1956.) Budapest: MTA Történettudományi Intézete, 2008. pp. 380
- “’With the Chinese, for the Chinese’: The Hungarian Jesuit Mission in Puzi, Taiwan”, in: RACHEL YU LAN – PHILIP VANHAELEMEERSCH (eds.) Silent Force: Native Converts in the Catholic China Mission. (Leuven Chinese Studies XX, Leuven, 2009). 437–458.
- “’Only a Handshake but no Embrace:’ Sino-Soviet Normalization in the 1980s”, in: BERNSTEIN, THOMAS P. – LI, HUA-YU (eds.), China Learns from the Soviet Union, 1949-present (The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series, Rowman and Littlefield, 2009), 79–104.
- 1956–1966 年匈中关系的变化——来自匈牙利档案馆的有关材料/王俊逸(1956–1966 nian XiongZhong guanxi de bianhua – lai zi Xiongyali dang’anguan de youguan cailiao” (Sino-Hungarian relations, 1956–1966. Documents from Hungarian Archives), in: 国际冷战史研究Guoji Lengzhanshi Yanjiu, (International Cold War History Research) Vol. 8, 2009.
- “ZhongSu guanxi zhengchanghua guochengzhong de Zhongguo yu DongZhongOu guanxi” (Sino-Soviet Normalization and China’s Relations with East Central Europe.) in: SHEN ZHIHUA – DOUGLAS A. STIFFLER (eds.): Weiruo de lianmeng: lengzhan yu ZhongSu guanxi yanjiu (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 2010) (forthcoming)
"The Soviet bloc and China, 1949–1989"
The project analyzes the relationship of East-Central European (ECE) countries with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the only major player of the Cold War that switched sides during the confrontation. As ECE-PRC relations were both a derivative of and an influencing factor in Sino-Soviet relations, ECE-PRC relations are studied under the impact of Soviet influence in concepts, institutions, and practices on China and European Soviet satellites and against the background of Sino-Soviet relations. It aims to highlight the similarities and differences between the China policies of different Soviet bloc countries, and how the dynamics of ECE-PRC relations corresponded to or differed from the pattern of Sino-Soviet relations. Through this new approach and by matching the European and non-European considerations, this project aims to contribute to the study of intra-Soviet bloc and Sino-Soviet relations in their global dimension.