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Reflecting on the quantitative turn in Linguistics
FRIAS Director Bernd Kortmann was voted President-elect of the International Society for the Linguistics of English
Junior Researcher Conference "Applying Documentary Linguistics"
Lunch Lecture - Bernd Kortmann
Reflecting on the quantitative turn in Linguistics
Out Now: Bernd Kortmann - English Linguistics
From a shared FRIAS office to the top of international linguistic associations
Martin Hilpert elected President of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Benedikt Smrecsanyi Secretary of the International Society for the Linguistics of English
Lunch Lecture - Bernd Kortmann (FRIAS Director) and Peter Mühlhäusler (Linguistics)
Bernd Kortmann: Introduction; Peter Mühlhäusler: "Paradigm Shifts in Linguistics"
Conference - Oral History meets Linguistics
HUMSS - Bernd Kortmann
The take of linguistics on (religion-related) hate speech
Lunch Lecture 'Cells, Turns, and Footprints – Metaphors in Science' - S. Sessarego
Probes, Goals & Agreement Operations - Metaphors in Theoretical Linguistics.