
Sie sind hier: FRIAS Fellows Fellows 2023/24 Prof. Dr. Chenyang Xu

Prof. Dr. Chenyang Xu

Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research
Algebraische Geometrie
External Senior Fellow
April - Mai/Juli - August 2014


After graduating from Beijing University in 2004, Chenyang Xu received his doctorate at Princeton University in 2008.
From 2008 to 2011 he held fellowships and appointments in the USA, the last of which as assistant professor at the university of Utah.
He returned to China in 2011 and after two years as Research Fellow at the Beijing International Center of Mathematical Research he now holds the position of professor at that institute.
His awards include amongst others the Clay Liftoff Fellowship, Viterbi Endowed Postdoctoral Scholarship, and National Award for Youth in Science and Technology in 2013.


Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (with Christopher Hacon, James McKernan) On the birational automor- phisms of varieties of general type. Annals of Math. 177 (2013), Issue 3, 1077-1111.
  • (with Christopher Hacon) Existence of log canonical closures. Invent. Math. 192 (2013), Issue 1, 161-195.
  • (with Chi Li) Special test configurations and K-stability of Fano varieties. arXiv:1111.5398. To appear in Annals of Math..
  • (with Christopher Hacon, James McKernan) ACC for log canonical thresh- olds. arXiv:1208.4150. To appear in Annals of Math..
  • (with Xiaowei Wang) Nonexistence of asymptotic GIT compactification. arXiv:1212.0173. To appear in Duke Math. J..



Rational Points, Rational Curves and Automorphisms of Special Varieties

My FRIAS Fellowship will allow me to continue my study of various aspects of higher dimension birational geometry.