
Sie sind hier: FRIAS School of Soft Matter … Wissenschaftliche … Dougal Laird

Dougal Laird

Orale Biotechnologie, Zahn-, Mund- Kieferklinik
Postdoc with Junior Fellow Karen Lienkamp


In 2010 Dougal Laird received his PhD from the University of Waikato, New Zealand with a dissertation on the modification of sintered bovine bone for use as a human bone replacement material. After his PhD, he travelled to Germany and joined the research group at the Orale Biotechnologie (Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferklinik) in Freiburg for a PostDoc position under the leadership of Prof. Tomakidi. Here he works on several projects, one of which is in collaboration with Dr. Karen Lienkamp (FRIAS) involving the investigation of antimicrobial polymers.



FRIAS Project

Cell Compatibility Studies of Homogeneous and Microstructured Antimicrobial Surfaces